Friday, August 29, 2008

Jay Severin Sucks

Jay Severin is an idiot and if you believe anything he says, you are too.

And Jay, of all people - you should never, ever say anything derogatory about anyones looks - take a look in the mirror...not a pretty sight.

1 comment:

westofboston said...

Caught Jay for the upteenth time dumping a caller making a valid argument then claiming the caller hung up before he was allowed to provide a reply. Talk about your wimps. He's done it to me every time I've called. With me, he acts like the perfect gentleman, as I act like the perfect lady, which always gets him. He either leads in as though he is playing devils advocate, but more often, terminates your call just as he begins his rebuttal, then when you go to reply you realize you've been cut from the air. 2 minutes later you hear Jay saying your name and then pretending you hung up. Not only does he flat out lie and twist the truth to oblivion, he adds just enough fact to make his moron listeners think he's genuine. Sadly, the biggest offenders.....Women! So many call in to pander to this moron without even realizing he just insulted the crap out of them. This one time entertainer and master of the language has shown his NPD self and political agenda to be nothing close to the Libertarian he claims to be. He's a fraud and worse,
a narcissistic salesman who will show his hand from time to time thinking he is proving himself right. It's amazing he has lasted this long.